Ice Skating

Ice skating is a quintessential winter activity. From the professional-grade hockey ice rink and outdoor rink in Telluride Town Park to the rink at Hotel Madeline in Mountain Village, we encourage you to grab a pair of skates and test out the ice.
Ice Rinks
Hanley Ice Rink - The Hanley Ice Rink is an indoor, National Hockey League-sized, refrigerated ice rink that provides a variety of public skate/figure skating, ice hockey, curling programs. There is also a multitude of auxiliary spaces that are available for non-ice-related rentals during the winter season.
Volleyball Ice Rink - This rink is great for family fun! Located outdoors in Town Park, this is weather dependent. Please visit Town Park webpage for more information.
Mountain Village Ice Rink - The rink is operated by Madeline Hotel and Residences and offers open skating daily and special events on the European-style plaza. For those in need of equipment, the Madeline rents hockey and figure skates of all sizes and offers punch cards and season passes.