
To thoroughly explore the San Juan Mountains, backpacking and camping is the ideal method. Outdoor enthusiasts can gear up for a multi-day backpacking outing and explore the many peaks in the surrounding mountains. Camping also offers an affordable way to enjoy the greater Telluride region. In-town camping is perfect for family outings or groups gathering for a festival. Designated campsites are available in Telluride Town Park, as well as in surrounding areas within a twenty-minute drive from town. In addition, there are other private campgrounds in the area located in Ridgway, Montrose and along the Dolores River next to Highway 145.
RVs are welcome in Town Park but the maximum length allowed is 30 feet; that number must include the length of the vehicle pulling it. Sorry, no electrical hookups or RV dump stations are available on-site. The RV dump station is at the wastewater treatment plant at Society Turn.
Camping Etiquette
- Please camp in established sites
- Contact campground hosts, USFS or BLM to learn if campfires are allowed
- Avoid camping in riparian habitats. If you plan to drink water from streams or lakes, treat it with a filter or chemicals. Waters in the San Juans often contain heavy metals and bacteria.
- Keep human waste 200 feet from lakes and streams
- Pack out trash. Black bears and other scavengers sometimes visit campsites. Don’t leave garbage or food scraps around your campsite. Take your garbage to the dumpster regularly. If you do see a bear, remain calm. If the bear approaches you, make noise. Don’t run.
- Be prepared for sun, rain and cold. Remember, thunderstorms are common, and it can snow at any time of the year.
- Telluride is surrounded by public lands. Please use these lands and avoid private property.
Refer to Town of Telluride Campground information for more details about camping in Telluride. Please note all camping is by online reservation only, and there is very limited availability at the Telluride Town Park Campground for Summer 2022 season. Cancellations do occasionally create availability. Click here to check availability.
Click Here for a map of regional campgrounds. The majority of reservable campgrounds in the Telluride area are already booked for Summer 2022. Please stop by or call the Visitor Center at 855-253-0462 for recommendations on a first come, first served campgrounds in the area.