Applicant Contact Information
Project Overview
Project Details

Include an overview of your project and readdress how the program aligns with one or more of the following TTB goals and objectives:
•Contribute to the economic vitality of the Town of Telluride
•Market a program, event or product for visitor and local enjoyment
•Destination stewardship and guest education programs
•Programs and projects that enhance the visitor and local experience

Please include benchmark key performance indicators (KPIs) and your current KPIs. These results could include items such as event attendance, marketing results, stewardship goals, revenue generated, guest satisfaction, etc.

Assess your results and analyze the overall effectiveness of your project, and identify any challenges and/or successes.

Please download and use the financial form found above.

We'd love to see photos of how your grant money was put to use! Feel free to attach some photos or other assets from your event/project (not required).